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Conditions Associated with Rosacea

Tuesday 9 March 2021
Skin Conditions

Table of Contents

I. Facing Rosacea

II. Rosacea and Migraines

III. Can Rosacea Cause Depression?

IV. How Rosacea Affects the Blood Vessels

V. Managing Associated Conditions

Facing Rosacea 

Rosacea is a common skin condition, characterized by visible redness and blood vessels in the face. Rosacea symptoms may look like acne symptoms (redness, pus-filled bumps), but the two skin conditions differ in many ways. This skin disorder can affect anyone, but there is evidence that rosacea may affect women with light complexions most frequently. [1]

Currently, there is no cure for rosacea, but effective medications like Azelex Cream (azelaic acid), Oracea, and hydroquinone 4% are available to reduce rosacea symptoms. A doctor or dermatologist can help you create a customized treatment plan to help with the management of rosacea flare-ups. 

Rosacea and Migraines 

For some, mild rosacea may cause slight discomfort, but more severe cases will often cause accompanying conditions. One such condition is migraine, which involves chronic headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Fairly recent studies show a link between rosacea and migraines, with evidence suggesting that women over 50 years old are at a higher risk of developing migraines than other groups. Rosacea was once thought of as solely a skin condition, but researchers now propose that rosacea has a neurological aspect to it as well. [2]  

a woman with a migraine

Migraines can also be attributed to inflamed blood vessels within the head. In this sense, rosacea and migraines may be associated because they share a common cause. More research is needed to find out exactly how rosacea and migraines affect each other. [3] For now, it is important to be aware of your risk of migraines if you have rosacea and know that there are effective medications available to relieve migraines. Talk to your doctor if you display migraine symptoms like:

  • Throbbing or pulsing pain in your head
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or touch
  • Vision loss
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Numbness on the face or other parts of the body [4]

Can Rosacea Cause Depression?

Because rosacea causes physical redness and swelling, it is very easy to ignore the emotional impact this skin condition can have. Breakouts can alter the appearance and affect how a person feels about themselves. The stigma of having a skin condition can lower a person’s self-esteem and decrease social interaction. When self-esteem and confidence take a hit, quality of life can take a hit, too. This can quickly lead to depression. [5]  

If you have rosacea, it is important to take care of your mental health. If having rosacea symptoms makes you feel embarrassed, using a coping method may help restore your confidence. For instance, it can help to accept your feelings and acknowledge that your emotional reaction to rosacea is reasonable.

Rosacea can cause emotional stress, but knowing that emotional stress can also cause rosacea flare-ups may help you avoid falling into a negative cycle. Finally, seeing an improvement in your symptoms will positively affect your emotional well-being, so talk to your doctor about treating rosacea today. [5]

a woman laying in bed

How Rosacea Affects the Blood Vessels

Broken blood vessels often accompany rosacea. They occur just underneath the skin’s surface and result in red lines that resemble a spider’s web. Broken blood vessels are typically harmless and commonly caused by weather changes, sun exposure, alcohol consumption, vomiting, or sneezing. Heredity, genetics, and pregnancy may also play a role. For those with rosacea, broken blood vessels may accompany symptoms of redness and inflammation, making the condition hard to detect. [6] 

There are several medical treatments for broken blood vessels, but home remedies may do the trick since symptoms are usually mild. It is recommended that you wash your face with warm water because hot water can cause blood vessels to break. Apple cider vinegar is a common home remedy because it can be easily applied with a cotton ball and reduces redness. Horse chestnut is an herb that can improve vein health and is also a safe treatment for broken blood vessels. Before trying a home remedy, make sure you talk to your doctor to avoid any allergic reactions. [6]

a man washing his face with warm water

Managing Associated Conditions

While migraines, depression, and broken blood vessels can be treated separately, it may be more effective to focus on tackling your rosacea. As symptoms fade, you will likely experience a lighter and happier mood, and any associated conditions will likely follow suit and dissipate.

Topical treatments like Azelex Cream (azelaic acid), Oracea, and hydroquinone 4% can help your skin renew itself more quickly. It is important to get on top of treating rosacea to avoid complications like rhinophyma. [1] With the right treatment plan, you can take control of your symptoms and continue to lead a confident life.  

The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical condition, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.